hear it for
new york
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![]() Branson Darryl Tan Irene M.Afiq Peimin Raymond Shumei Star W.Afiq Whitney Yanping |
![]() today is the final day of the elective module.... quite sad!! gonna miss it...
and probably the last time i will set foot on sch tis year.... today woke up early and went straight to the comp lab rushed on the presentation and the game... haiz... cant get many things on time for the presentation today that "technician" nvr come!!! that #$%#&$ all the groups today present and the teachers present are lai yoke, low, mr seow, darshan and miss eng i tink the best games are janon's grp and star's grp but reali like janon's game.... they later give out prize for the best student.... they are JANON AND DARRYL TAN!!! Congratz!! after all that stay back at comp lab for awhile to play and relax.... at 1 went of wif m.afiq to find haris... in the meantime fool around... lazy wait for him so went opp eat.... relax for awhile and gossip here and there afiq say maybe tues going E2max.... see wan go or not.... so went home and went to bed straight away.... now woke up and blogging.... everytime during holidays there is nothing nice to do.... so sian... anyway thx ros(rosella) for teaching us video gaming development.... hope to keep in touch ya... now more interested in game development... intend to upgrade my game to make it better!! so ciao!! =0 |
![]() gonna keep it short as quite busy.... you will noe y later...
today same as always.... woke up late so rushed over to sch for elective module.... on the way to the lab kena lecture by mdm ong say y late and stuff.... sch over and still wan lecture... today video game development didnt do much as cant tink of any idea for the project... so for this whole session juz play psp, listen music, relax and go lame websites and play stupid games!!! intend to go queensway wif lak, haris, m.afiq and w.afiq but then lak make scene say lost money and stuff.... dont noe whether wan believe or not... he make many gila story alrdy... so relax at the coffeeshop opposite sch then one by one gone home.... i went home straight and did the stinking video game.... cause of the video game cant go out and hav fun.... can reali faint one of this day cause of too much work!!! MATI!!! kinda hard and no idea!! looks like i will be up all nite!!! nid some coffee to make awake.... somemore tmr muz do the powerpoint then presentation.... DISASTER!!! haiz.... so bye now.... ![]() |
![]() today is a fine day....
woke up quite early today.... hav some spare time so went to tiong mac buy food..... rushed over to sch as late alrdy... today video game development we started our project alrdy.... we learned quite lots of stuff and fool around too.... m.afiq even went to love calculator and play around and put some name.... the best is branson and darryl tan 99%!!! WTH!!! all started on the project alrdy and our group is doing a adventure game.... our group memebers are me, m.afiq, lak and deng feng.... finish sch all go queensway... i and haris supposed to go but pang seh them and buy bubble tea and go eat.... went home later.... sleep till late at night now downloading new dj max game.... waiting anxiously... finish many game alrdy... so bored!!! finish bleach soul carnival and midnight club la remix.... no more game to play...haiz!!! dont noe do wat now.... BORED!!! ciao :D |
![]() today we had an outing for the elective module...
be4 that we hav some lesson first.... finally learn how to shoot!!! but cant kill the stinking monster!!! ARGH!!! looks like friday will hav to present our game.... sian ah.... for our outing we went to orchard E2MAX!! the place is quite big and cool!! got many consoles from pc to xbox 360 to wii and others.... they also a food and drinks stall but quite expensive!!! we went for a tour of the place.... today got many ang moh people.... so many white people!!! after that we can play for awhile but only lame game... the tour guide managed to get us to play wii.... only zhul, branson and some others managed to play guitar hero world tour.... only like zhul and branson familiar play this game!!! SHOWOFF!!! haha.... kidding ah.... after all that went back to sch, went tiong to find psp charger but no stock.... on the way saw hanisah.... quite an unexpected encounter.... went queensway and found it.... cost $48.10!!! there goes my allowance for tis week.... but at least can finally play my psp again!! thank god!!! now playing like no tmr.... so ciao!!! ^^ |
![]() did nothing much 2day....
woke up early thought hav the elective module and realized monday.... -_-'' went back to sleep again as cant do much.... 1+ woke up and went out.... went to many places to find cheap psp charger..... went tiong, queensway, sim lim but all expensive or no stock.... realized waste of time..... went home straight as tired..... zzzzzz slept and woke up exactly on time for the crime busters x2.... today final episode and see like the final episode not so gud after that watch a malay comedy called tetangga.... damn funny watch that show.... now cant do much and tmr hav to remember to wake up for the vide game outing.... so ciao!! (x_x) |
![]() didnt blog yesterday as came back late...
25/10 celebrate my cousin bday... actually its on the 26 but she going back on that day so celebrate early... celebrate at my grandparents place and lets say after we got home i hit the hay alrdy.... didnt manage t0 give her a present.... kinda forgotten.... gotten a reminder from my dad.... 26/10 woke up at 2pm.... zzzzzz reali tired and been a long time since i slept that long.... usually juz sleep 4/5 hours take coffee then play comp till late night.... so today juz stay at home.... afternoon my internet cant work so cant use comp... my psp charger spoilt so cant play psp..... so did nothing much at home.... juz watched tv.... been hooked watching chinese drama.... today watched the taste of love.... watched that show many times alrdy on tv but still very nice... at nite my bro came home and fixed the internet problem.... muz reali thank him!! now for sure wan take computer course during poly.... show my parents my report card.... my mum say that i can do better and the comment in the report book say the same thing.... dont noe y now so lazy to study..... but now i realized next year will be harder as muz get good grades so can go sec5.... now muz reali study!! now while blogging watching high school musical 2.... so ciao!! (*#*) |
![]() been a while since i blog....
23/10 yesterday got back report book and last day of sch.... we first at hall and listen to mr low talk abt all kind of rubbish.... snooze fest!! after that they called out the top 5 for each class... our class: ( i tink forget alrdy) 5th Chua Qi Peng 4th Whitney Ting Pei Shi 3rd Ang Jian Hao 2nd Pang Deng Feng 1st Ko Wan Ting When Chua Qi Peng name called song chin thought his name cause Chua also then wen full name called out he paiseh alrdy!!! HAHAHA!!! after this go do some garden thingy or watever they called it finally wen to ariel homeroom and take back report book... wah heng ah!! managed move to sec 4N!!! Thank God!!! but my rank like shit!! im ranked 14.... woots... the worst i got for secondary school looks like cant buy xbox 360 like that.... haiz sad thing!!! after sch forget do wat.... amnesia 24/10 today first day of elective module... first day i late alrdy... woke up late... thx mr seow for calling me if not i sleep till the class finish...haha!! so rushed to sch and saw many parents at general office... i say to myself lucky my parents no nid see teacher.... so ran to comp lab 1 and see they start alrdy but can catch up.... today made a ball game, and a shooting game but cant get the hero to shoot!!! WTF!!! shooting game cant shoot.... nonsense rite.... but had fun.... next week got outing and going to orchard E2MAX to learn abt the lan shop... if got extra time can play there for free!!! wohoo!!! Went straight home as tired cause today woke up early.... went home download the software and try make the game again.... made a pac-man game.... kinda classic but nice that can make my own game!!! now watching the crime busters x2!! so ciao!! |
![]() today did nothing much as no sch
woke up at 10... first time woke up so early wen no sch.... so first thing did play my comp and download more anime.... finally finish watching rental magica... kinda nice show but not so interesting as i thought.... so for whole day juz at home, lazy go out.... somemore feel like go out raining.... so lucky!!! so juz wen to diff sites forum chat around and use msn.... so got to know new pals and now taking an interest in japanese pop singer.... thx a lot yuuri.... so now downloading album of BoA, Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru and many more.... now waiting anxiously for the results on thurs..... tmr samfest.... woots!! like any business of mine.... hahaha!!! ciao!! (*o*) |
![]() wazzup....
today got back all of the exam papers alrdy.... lets say i dont do so gud... ok for my eng i got: Oral 25/40 Paper 1 34/60 paper 2 49/80 Overall 62% its quite gud but i tink can do better if actually study.... hard to believe yuan xiang got highest for eng and almost every paper i lost to lak by 2 marks... paper 1, paper 2 and oral.... WTF!!! @$%& NExt is Chem Chem i got a worthless 22/50.... ): first time i failed chem so badly.... usually all the test pass but did many mistakes and fail..... but my ca2 got 60+ so maybe can push up... Phy i got 26/50.... quite gud.. thought fail cause my phy damn weak.... dont noe y all my weak subjects except malay pass.... geog,ss and phy pass.... like a miracle!!! finally exam is Art... same didnt do so well.... got 41/100.... kinda expected that.... drawing not related to the subject....haha!! my overall still pass... i tink i got 55 or 57.... so quite gud.... i hav to say i didnt do so gud for tis year exam... but i pass all except chem and malay..... tmr and wednesday no sch as discuss abt wether we can promote to sec 4N or retain or change sch..... they will look into our results, our attitude and our pictures.... huh??? for wat sia??? ah heck care ah.... no sch so can play and watch more anime.... been watching vampire knight guilty, gundam 00 and many more.... so ciao!! (w.w) |
![]() gotten use to blogging regularly.... anyway very free 2day...
got no nice show, no more new anime to watch, finish all the games for psp countless time and many more like reading the same manga for many times till can recite it.... today slept like no tmr.... woke up 2pm.... totally forget muz go out wif cousins.... my bad... hehe juz cant wake up air con damn cold wif fan..... damn shiok!! so try find new anime or drama but nothing..... so play psp.... been playing dj max portable 2 for very long alrdy.... last time delete but see istihara play so nice, feel wan play again.. (^_^) afternoon watch channel 8 taste of love.... repeat many times alrdy but quite nice.... tmr will get back the rest of the results.... damn anxious and worried!!! -_-'' juz hope can pass eng and can promote to sec 4N but wish all other subjects pass.... lets wait till tmr.... now downloading counter strike source.... nid relieve my stress!!! ciao!! (^u^) |
![]() today not such a gud day....
woke up 6+ to check wats there to eat as starving cause last nite nvr eat.... got nothing to eat and no more instant noodles.... sad ah.... went back to sleep but cant.... use comp then play games, use msn and others ah..... now been downloading old animes or drama like gundam seed, naruto and suzumiya haruhi.... waiting for the download to finish i stare and stare till fell asleep.... zzzz woke up 5+ and check still havent even finish download one episode.... WTH!! fed up and started playing old pc games like counter strike.... relieve my stress as killing those morons!!! at nite pay a visit to my uncle and aunt who stay at compassvale street.... quite far sia but long time havent visit so juz go ah.... on the way saw on accident happen wif a white taxi and a black mitsubishi if im not wrong.... i was like wow!! reach my uncle house at 10+.... play wif them there... chit chat here and there and eating too.... i can say been very long since i saw them.... gotten late and feel sleepy so went home ah.... slept on the way home.... zzzz so now go blog ah.... tmr maybe go out wif my cousins.... going to imm to buy them some stuff.... ciao!! (^w^) |
![]() now free so blog ah cause later busy...
ok... today got back some exam papers... got back Maths,Mt,SS and Geog... i say this time i did quite well for ss as juz one more mark i pass... i got 24/50 usually i sux like hell for ss... Geog is like a miracle i pass.... i got 25/50!! damn happy leh... usually geog like ss lazy do and got test almost all the time fail.... My malay quite a gud improvement.... my total is 56/130.... quite a big improvement... usually get like 20-30%... tis time i got 44%... hope my ca can push up to make it better abit... My maths now really sux... i only got a total of 80!!! like crap man!!! usually get like 90 or higher.... haiz.... this year ah... maybe slack too much.... now wait till monday for the rest of the paper... phy,chem,eng and art... i dont there is any more.... thurs then hav to take report book.... then no more sch!! can celebrate go out and slack more!!! =D |
![]() today there is no sch and really happy!!
slept so nice.... woke up 2pm... hav been a long time since i woke up so late... ![]() today did nothing much juz relax, play comp, watch tv and sleep in the middle.... now juz hoping i pass all my subjects... tmr get back the papers... damn stressed and worried.... (-_-'') now waiting for the 9pm channel 8 drama crimebuster x2.... damn nice the show.... trying to find the file to download if dont hav try to buy... short cause nothing do today... ciao!! |
![]() been so long since i used my comp as exam time and i was studying... :D
hehe.... *ahem* ok today was the final exam and very happy it end.... ok for most of the exam i tink i did my best and i tink can pass... Eng Paper 1 i tink i did quite well for this Mt paper 1 not so gud.... play around most of the time.. SS i wrote quite alot but dont noe wether correct... lolz Geog can die liao... whack any answer in... i tink will get the least mark of all Maths Paper 1 i tink its quite easy but i tink i did some careless mistake Art i cant finish the exam so after finish sky stopped ah but i tink can pass.... i hope!! Eng Paper 2 the compre quite hard and hard time to understand some questions... Phy i did quite well for this suprisingly.... Mt paper 2 i understand it but i dont noe wether can pass but i tink i can.... Maths Paper 2 its hard and interesting but mind was in a mess and cant tink that gud so maybe will fail... Chem hopeless... today my mind in a mess and juz whack any answer and lay my head down got feeling can promote to Sec 4N but i dont tink can make to Top 10.... if can wah gud ah!! tmr got no sch as marking day.... so can stay up and play but giddy and shivers a little bit then cant play.... care abt me health... so i tink now i will be sleeping.... sob..... ): ciao (^w^) |
![]() Selamat hari raya to all malays or specifically muslims!!
And also happy children day to all small people.... from today onwards no nid fast anymore.... i feel so free!! haha... (: woke up early to prepare myself as hav to go mosque wif my family for prayer..... go there and the imam talk and talk abt some stuff wich i dont hav a clue wat it is..... *snooze* went home and sleep for awhile.... headache as go to the mosque at....... forget were.... after that went to my grandparents place and then my aunt place and went home..... around 6 like that at home.... clean the house as people coming over.... then around 8 they came then muz entertain the guest.... play play around my cousins.... had fun!!! now they juz went home and now go blog..... damn tired now..... maybe will sleep early.... dont noe wether go sch tmr.... if go for sure i come late....hehe.... ciao!! |